How often should I see my dentist?

In order to maintain good oral health, we recommend visiting your dentist every 6 months. In some cases we may suggest more visits to treat certain conditions. Not only does regularly scheduled visits ensure good oral health today, we can discover and prevent future issues.

How often should I change my toothbrush?

As you continue to use a toothbrush, the bristles begin to get worn out and frayed. It is recommended that you swap out your brush every 3 months. Using a worn out brush provides a less deep clean, and can affect your teeth in the long run.

What are the benefits of cosmetic dentistry?
The goal of cosmetic dentistry is to provide you with a confident smile. The scope of cosmetic dentistry can range from teeth
whitening to a reconstruction of your entire smile. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us to discuss what works
for you.
How old should my child be before I bring them to a dentist?
Typically, a child’s first tooth erupts at around six months. The Canadian Academy of Pediatric Dentistry recommends that a
child’s first check up should be six months after the first tooth emerges. This is generally when the child is a year old.
How often should my child be getting checked up?
Much like adults, we recommend you bring your child in every 6 months for a checkup. In certain scenarios, we may suggest that you bring your child in more often.
What causes cavities?
Our mouth is home to certain types of bacteria. These bacteria react with the things we eat. In the case of sugary foods, an acid is formed, which attacks and wears out the enamel of the teeth. This reaction leaves behind holes which are known as cavities.
What is your contact number?
Our contact number is 905-455-DENT (3368)
How often should I visit the dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings?

At minimum you should try to go to the dentist once every 6 months. However, if your coverage allows or you just love that freshly cleaned teeth feeling after going to the dentist you can go once every 4 months.  Your teeth will love you for it. 😊

What can I expect during my first dental check-up and cleaning appointment?

When you first arrive we will ask you to fill out a medical questionnaire as well as a patient consent form, so it is best to arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment. 

New patients can also expect a comprehensive examination of your teeth and oral health along with a professional cleaning to maintain the health of your teeth and gums.  

We may also take some x-rays of your mouth, if we don’t have access to your last x-rays or it has been a while since your last x-rays.  

After the examination and cleaning, the dentist will discuss their findings with you.  If there are any issues, the dentist will discuss a treatment plan.  You can also ask any questions you may have.  Finally, we will provide personalized advice on how you can best maintain a healthy oral hygiene routine.

What are the signs of a dental emergency, and what should I do if I experience one?

A dental emergency requires immediate attention to prevent permanent damage or severe pain. Examples of dental emergencies include:

  • A severe toothache that isn’t going away.  Especially, if you also have a fever or swelling.
  • Swollen jaw or mouth
  • Broken, cracked or knocked out tooth
  • Bleeding in your mouth that does not stop
  • A loose permanent tooth
  • Painful or swollen gums. Especially if you have trouble breathing or swallowing.

This is not a comprehensive list, but if you experience any of these emergencies please call our office immediately.  After hours, you will be directed to an emergency after hours number to call.

How do I choose the right toothbrush for my oral health?

When choosing a toothbrush, the bristle type, size and shape of the toothbrush head and weather you use a manual or electric toothbrush are important considerations to take into account.  

Soft bristles are generally recommended as they are gentle on your gums and enamel. 

Its best to choose a toothbrush that comfortably fits in your mouth, and can be maneuvered to reach all areas of your mouth and teeth easily.  A contoured handle may make it easier to control the toothbrush. 

Manual or electric toothbrushes are both effective if used correctly.  Electric toothbrushes might be easier for people with limited manual dexterity.

Do you offer sedation dentistry options for anxious patients?

Yes, we understand that for some people dental visits can be a source of anxiety. We wish to ensure your visit is as comfortable and stress free as possible.  Please call us to discuss the various options we have to make your feel more at ease during your appointment.

What age should children start visiting the dentist?

Its important to start dental visits at an early age to ensure the healthy development of our child’s teeth. The Canadian Dental Association recommends a child’s first visit to the dentist should be within 6 months of their first tooth’s appearance or by the age of one.  Whichever comes first.