Dental Implants
Dental implants perfectly replace missing teeth. They are extremely durable and help maintain bone support deteriorated by a lost tooth.
Our highly advanced dental implants help rebuild teeth and enhance your smile using root-deep prosthetics. Dental implants are unique small titanium slips replacing a lost tooth’s root system. The implant stabilizes the root structure and leaves the jaw strong and occupied. A routine and minor surgical procedure fits the small titanium-shaped screw. The implant is topped later after healing to resemble a normal crown matching your other teeth. Dental implants are great replacements for single, multiple or all teeth.
Removable dentures can also be fitted atop dental implants . Not only does this make them more secure and comfortable but the attached denture will transfer stress onto the structure of the bone. Dentures will be sturdier and will not easily fall off while speaking or eating.